Hiking to the main summit of Mt. Ossa by the northwest side – Mt. Kissavos (Ossa).
Hiking on Mt. Kissavos (Ossa). Route: “To the summit of Mt. Kissavos by the northwest side”.
This is a shorter alternative to the summit of Mt. Kissavos. We meet again at the village of Spilia from where we are transfered by road to the Kanalos location at 1500m. From this point onwards, we start the walk to the summit. The first part of it, is up the north west slopes of the mountain and then, in a south west direction, we move with great views up the eastern ridge, which leads us to the summit. We return by the same route back to Kanalos for our return.
The walk is classed as easy to moderate and takes 3.30′ to 4.00′ hours, go and come back.
Reviews 0 Reviews0/5
Vacation Style Holiday Type
Activity Level Moderately Demanding
Min. age 8 years
Prices / Offers.
The above prices concern individuals and small groups of up to 8-10 persons. For larger or much larger groups, the prices can be reduced, after our mutual agreement.
If you’re a group of at least 4 people, normaly, you have the flexibility to book any activity at any time you choose. Otherwise you book within another group.
In case of being less than the above minimum of 4 persons, and still no other group available to join in, then, in order to do the chosen activity, the sum of the 4 persons minimum has to be paid.
For the activity of rafting, for every group of 8 persons one person is for free.
What is included in the price for the day-activities?
• Guiding by experienced – specialized guides / instructors.
• All the appropriate equipment necessary for the activity.
• Introductory beginners’ briefing.
• Picnic meal with seasonal traditional Greek dishes.
• Hot herbal drink and cookies during the activity.
• Local transfers on dirt road from the meeting point to the activity’s location and back.
The VAT is not included in the price.
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Hiking-Kissavos-northeast Hiking-Kissavos-northeast
Hiking-Kissavos-northeast Hiking-Kissavos-northeast
Hiking-Kissavos-northeast Hiking-Kissavos-northeast
Hiking-Kissavos-northeast Hiking-Kissavos-northeast
Hiking-Kissavos-northeast Hiking-Kissavos-northeast
Hiking-Kissavos-northeast Hiking-Kissavos-northeast
Hiking-Kissavos-northeast Hiking-Kissavos-northeast
Hiking-Kissavos-northeast Hiking-Kissavos-northeast
Hiking-Kissavos-northeast Hiking-Kissavos-northeast
Hiking-Kissavos-northeast Hiking-Kissavos-northeast
Hiking-Kissavos-northeast (5) Hiking-Kissavos-northeast
Hiking-Kissavos-northeast (4) Hiking-Kissavos-northeast
Hiking-Kissavos-northeast Hiking-Kissavos-northeast