Rock Climbing. Tempi valley site.
Rock climbing at Tempi valley site.
We meet at the west end of the Tempi valley or at the Rapsani railway station before transferred to the site.
Here is an other well known rock climbing area. On the north rocky side of the Tempi valley and its lower rock faces along the river and just above it, there are more than 30 routes on very good limestone, ranging from traditional (up to 250m) to hard rock (up to 80m) and sport climbing (up to 25m).
For the beginner: Here, on the upper parts of the north side of the valley, on an impressive limestone rock face, the Olympos Trek team have organized a top rope climbing playground for youths and adults, about 30m high. This is a unique spot with great views lower down towards the Pinios river and the western part of the Tempi valley. Rock climbing session 3.30″ to 4.30″ hours.
Minimum age 13 years.
Price: 55.00€ p.p.
Reviews 0 Reviews0/5
Vacation Style Holiday Type
Activity Level Highly Demanding
Min age 13 years
Prices / Offers.
The activity’s price refers to individuals and small groups of up to 8-10 persons. For larger or much larger groups, the prices can be reduced, after our mutual agreement.
If you’re a group of at least 4 persons, normally you have the flexibility to book any activity at any time you choose. Otherwise – if you are less than 4 persons – you book within another group.
In the case of being less than the minimum of 4 persons, and still no other group available to join in your actual date and activity, then, in order to do the chosen activity, the sum of the minimum 4 persons has to be paid.
What is included in the price for the day-activities?
• Guiding by experienced – specialized guides / instructors.
• All the appropriate equipment necessary for the activity.
• Introductory beginners’ briefing.
• Picnick meal with seasonal traditional Greek dishes.
• Hot herbal drink and cookies during the activity.
• Local transfers on dirt road from the meeting point to the activity’s location and back.
The VAT is not included in the price.
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